When your favorite colors and yellow and blue, it’s a bit of a letdown to move into this office:
Not only was the office anything but yellow and blue, the gray bookshelves looked like a cheap after thought with the red walls behind them. The chairrail served no real purpose. And the drapes were hung much too low on the window.
As with every room, we needed an inspiration. In this case, the inspiration came in the form of this beautiful watercolor floral fabric:
It had the perfect shades of yellow and blue throughout. I used this fabric as the inspiration for the yellow and blue paint colors in the room, as well as for the office chair fabric color.
See what a difference a good paint color choice can make?
The bookshelves look so much nicer now that the backs match the sides. It feels like a cohesive built-in unit, not something someone decided to do after the fact. Eliminating the unnecessary chairrail also enabled us to easily paint the whole wall one color, without an awkward stripe running across for no reason.
We also brought in a new desk and cabinet that nod to the Mid-Century design throughout the rest of the home (without going overboard).
Here’s one last look at the before and after!
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